







(2019 年 11 月 30 日: 小沢 弘明)
* 本目録は 2019 年 11 月 30 日に早稲田大学ナショナリズム・エスニシティ研究所で行った講演
** 末尾に「その他」として、当日のパワーポイントファイルで示したものの、配布した文献目

1. Brubaker, Rogers, Ethnicity without Groups (Cambridge, Mass./London, 2004).
2. Brubeker, Rogers/Margit Fleischmidt/Jon Fox/Liana Grancea, Nationalist Politics and
Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town (Princeton/Oxford, 2006).
3. Carmack, Robert M., “Ethnohistory: A Review of Its Development, Definitions, Methods, and Aims”, in: Annual Review of Anthropology, 1(1972): 227-246.
4. Carter, Bob/Steve Fenton, “Not Thinking Ethnicity: A Critique of the Ethnicity
Paradigm in an Over-Ethnicised Sociology”, in: Journal for the Theory of Social
Behaviour, 40-1(2009): 1-18.
5. Cohen, Ronald, “Ethnicity: Problem and Focus in Anthropology”, in: Annual Review
of Anthropology, 7(1978): 379-403.
6. Cole, John W./Eric R. Wolf, The Hidden Frontier: Ecology and Ethnicity in an Alpine
Valley (New York, 1974).
7. Comaroff, John L./Jean Comaroff, Ethnicity, Inc. (Chicago/London, 2009).
8. Connor, Walker, Ethnonationalism: The Quest for Understanding (Princeton, New Jersey, 1994).
9. Dawley Evan N., Becoming Taiwanese: Ethnogenesis in a Colonial City 1880s – 1950s
(Cambridge, Mass./London, 2019).
10. Dow, James R./Olaf Bockhorn, The Study of European Ethnology in Austria (London/New York, 2017).
11. Dugin, Alexander, Ethnosociology: The Foundations (London, 2019).
12. Fenton, Steve, Ethnicity, 2nd ed. (Cambridge/Malden, 2010).
13. Fleischmidt, Margit, Ethnizit¨at als Konstruktion und Erfahrung. Symbolstreit und Alltagskultur im siebenb¨urgischen Cluj (M¨unster/Hamburg/London, 2003).
14. 古田元夫『ベトナム人共産主義者の民族政策史—革命の中のエスニシティ』(大月書店、
15. Hall, Jonathan M., Ethnic identity in Greek antiquity (Cambridge/New York/Melbourne,
16. Heckmann, Friedrich, Ethnische Minderheiten, Volk und Nation. Soziologie interethnischer Beziehungen (Stuttgart, 1992).
17. Hutchinson, John/Anthony D. Smith (eds.), Ethnicity (Oxford/New York, 1996).
18. Jenkins, Richard, Rethinking Ethnicity: Arguments and Explorations (London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi, 1997).
19. 河合洋尚「「民系」から「族群」へ—1990 年代以降の客家研究におけるパラダイム転換」『華
僑華人研究』9(2012): 138-148.
20. McNeill, William H., Polyethnicity and National Unity in World History (Toronto/
Buffalo/London, 1986).
21. 名和克郎「民族論の発展のために—民族の記述と分析に関する理論的考察」『民族学研究』
57-3(1992.12): 297-316.
22. 二宮宏之「ソシアビリテの歴史学と民族」(1985)、「「エトノス」雑考」(1985)、「ヨーロッパ
におけるエスニシティの問題」(1988) ほか『二宮宏之著作集』全 5 巻 (岩波書店、2011).
23. 大林太良「エトノスとエスニシティ」『教養学科紀要 (東京大学教養学部教養学科)』17(1984):
24. 小沢弘明「東欧における地域とエトノス」歴史学研究会編『現代歴史学の成果と課題
1980-2000 年 II 国家像・社会像の変貌』(青木書店、2003): 223-237.
25. Rees, Tobias, After Ethnos (Durham/London, 2018).
26. Safanov, A.L./A.D. Orlov, Ethnos and Globalization: Ethnocultural Mechanisms of Disintegration of Contemporary Nations (Ekaterinburg, 2018).
27. Smith, David J./John Hiden, Ethnic Diversity and the Nation State: National cultural
autonomy revisited (London/New York, 2012).
28. Stavenhagen, Rodolfo, The Ethnic Question: Conflicts, Development, and Human
Rights (Tokyo, 1990).
29. 坪田光平『外国人非集住地域のエスニック・コミュニティと多文化教育実践—フィリピン系
30. 王甫昌『族群—現代台湾のエスニック・イマジネーション』(東方書店、2014).
31. Wernhart Karl R./Werner Zips, Ethnohistorie. Rekonstruktion, Kulturkritik und
Repr¨asentation. Eine Einf¨uhrung, 4. Aufl. (Wien, 2014).
32. Wilmsen, Edwin N./Patrick McAllister (eds.), The Politics of Difference: Ethnic
Premises in a World of Power (Chicago/London, 1996).

1. Amrute, Sareeta, Encoding Race, Encoding Class: Indian IT Workers in Berlin
(Durham/London, 2016).
2. ブラック、ステファニー 監督『ジャマイカ 楽園の真実 Life and Debt』DVD (2001, 日本
版 2005).
3. Cox, Rosie, The Servant Problem: Domestic Employment in a Global Economy (London/New York, 2006).
4. Hine, Darlene Clark/Trica Danielle Keaton/Stephen Small (eds.), Black Europe and the
African Diaspora (Urbana/Chicago, 2009).
5. 石母田正『歴史と民族の発見—歴史学の課題と方法』(東京大学出版会、1952).
6. 小沢弘明「歴史のなかの新自由主義—序論」『歴史評論』670(2006.02): 31-41.
7. Pitts, Johny, Afropean: Notes from Black Europe (London, 2019).
8. Salisu, Abdallah, Being Afro-Austrian: Theories & Practices of Black Austrian Identity
(Frankfurt am Main, 2013).




—英文雑誌目録 (創刊順)—
(2019 年 11 月 30 日: 小沢 弘明)
* 本雑誌目録は、2019 年 11 月 30 日に早稲田大学ナショナリズム・エスニシティ研究所で行っ
** ethnography, ethnology の名を冠する雑誌は除いた。
*** 下線を引いた雑誌は、ethnic/ethnicity と racial/race の両概念が誌名に併記されているも

1. Ethnomusicology, 1953-
2. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 1969-
3. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1971-
4. Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 1972-
5. The Journal of Ethnic Studies, 1973-1992.
6. Explorations in Ethnic Studies, 1978- (Ethnic Studies Review, 1996-)
7. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1978-
8. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1979-
9. Journal of American Ethnic History, 1981-
10. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 1990-
11. Ethnicity & Disease, 1991-
12. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 1995-
13. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 1995-
14. Ethnicity and Health, 1996-
15. Race Ethnicity and Education, 1998-
16. Asian Ethnicity, 2000-
17. Ethnicities, 2001-
18. Ethnopolitics, 2001-
19. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 2001-
20. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 2001-
21. The Ethnic Broadcaster, 2001-
22. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 2003-
23. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2005-
24. Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration, 2006-2010.
25. Journal of Race, Gender, and Ethnicity, 2006-
26. Studies on Ethno-Medicine, 2007-
27. Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts, 2007-
28. Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World: A Review Journal, 2009-2014.
29. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion, 2010-
30. International Journal of Ethnic and Social Studies, 2010-
31. Ethnicity, 2011-
32. Journal of Ethnic American Literature, 2011-
33. Journal of Ethnic Minorities Research, 2012-
34. Ethnobiology and Conservation, 2012-
35. Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics, 2013-
36. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 2014-
37. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 2014-
38. Journal of Ethno- Pharmaceutical Products, 2014-
39. American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 2014-
40. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 2014-
41. Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies, 2014-
42. Critical Ethnic Studies, 2015-
43. Journal of Ethnic Art, 2015-
44. Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity, 2015-
45. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 2016-
46. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, 2016-
47. Ethnoentomology: an Open Journal of Ethnoentomology and Cultural Entomology, 2017-
48. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and the City, 2020-
